Goals of Thin Is In


General Goals

  • Ensure the long-term economic stability of the communities by reducing the fire threat risk from very high to moderate/low.
  • Identify lands private, public, forested, urbanized or otherwise that, if treated, would reduce the potential fire impact to communities and structures in and around the Big Bear Valley. This is commonly referred to as the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zone.
  • Implement fuel reduction measures to assure continuing and ongoing safety of the Big Bear Valley watershed and recharge aquifers.
  • Identify high valued areas that, if absent from trees, would have a detrimental effect on the appearance and ambiance of the communities of the Big Bear Valley. Propose and implement measures to assure the long-term survivability of these trees.
  • Identify and support new markets that collectively, with public and private partnerships, assure that the forest vegetation and trees that are removed go to sources that have a beneficial use, i.e., lumber, biomass chips for landscaping, erosion control, and/or energy.
  • Enhance biodiversity and forest health.


  • Review, evaluate, and modify fire wise building codes and fire protection laws for private landowners/builders to reduce home ignitions.
  • Review, evaluate, and make recommendations for a fuel reduction and vegetation management/landscape ordinance.
  • Design and develop a list of building standards that existing homeowners can voluntarily install to reduce the vulnerability of their homes.

Public Education

  • Provide education to property owners about the need for fire wise construction standards, laws, and codes.
  • Through public education and enforcement efforts, maintain ongoing practices of assuring the removal of overgrown vegetation and fuel loading on private lands. Emphasize defensible space clearing on private lands within the Big Bear Valley.
  • Monitor, report, and educate citizenry on changes in the biodiversity evidenced within the Big Bear Valley Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).
  • Seek as needed assistance from the Natural Resource Conservation Service on monitoring and implementing ways to educate citizenry on methods and techniques to help reduce soil erosion.
  • Educate the public on public land fuel treatments, which will reduce local fire risk and improve forest health conditions.

Healthy Forest Goals

  • Develop and prioritize fuel treatment programs on National Forest lands using Forest Service practices within the Big Bear Valley WUI. For fuel treatment prescriptions on private lands, individuals are required to follow Title 14, State Forest Practice Act.
  • Implement treatments within the Big Bear Valley WUI to revitalize forest health. Treatments should promote a mixed age class stand with healthy stocking levels that supports multiple forest resource values such as forest products, aesthetics, water, wildlife, recreation, etc.
  • Support the reintroduction of prescriptive and controlled fires into the ecosystem of the Big Bear Valley WUI on both public and private lands.
  • Incorporate as much as possible a “do more with less” concept by privatizing “off budget” management and treatment prescriptions of the forest.

For more information call: (909) 878-3090
