Wood Decks, Balconies or Patios


altWood Decks, Balconies or Patios

  • Wood decks, balconies, and patios that are less than 30 inches tall should be enclosed or screened beneath them with a wire mesh of 1/8 to 1/2 inch inch metallic material.
  • Underneath wood decks, balconies, and patios should be maintained free of any combustible material.

Foundation to immediate landscape area -

  • Remove pine needles and leaves within five feet (5) of all structures, and decks, balconies, or patios less than 30 inches tall.
  • EXCEPTION: Up to two (2) inches of non-combustible duff layer (dark layer of decomposing needles and leaves) may remain to prevent soil erosion.
  • Remove all combustible material within the first 15 feet around structure
  • Stack cut logs or firewood greater than one cord of wood or 128 cubic feet shall be located ten (10) feet away from any structure or shall be covered with a fire resistive structure or fabric. Firewood should be stacked away from the drip line of the trees. 
  • Maintain all shrubs and trees that hang over or are adjacent to a structure free from dead, burnable material.  Remove Junipers or native shrubs within 15 feet of a structure, wood deck, or balcony.
